About Emotion Code
Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner
If you find yourself having a repetitive emotional experience that simply hinders your life’s enjoyment or fulfillment, that might indicate that you have some trapped emotions to be released. The average adult has upwards of 300 trapped emotions by the age of 35. Some are from childhood experiences while some are from adulthood experiences. With Emotion Code, we revisit the experiences and energetically release the corresponding trapped emotions. The premise of Emotion Code & Body Code is that the energy & chemicals of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body along with calcium irons following some level of emotional upset. These trapped emotions, left trapped, can create discomfort, malfunction and eventual disease. They can lower your immune system. They can literally stop you from going after what you want in life. They can even stop you from enjoying what you’ve created in your life.
In my enhanced version of Emotion Code & Body Code, when necessary, I also use Gestalt Technique to release multiple trapped emotions of the same emotion that tend to define a person’s life, such as fear, anger, sadness or guilt. I sometimes read the client’s Akashic Record to assist in the session when deeper information is needed. At times I instruct my client to use, on their own, A technique called tapping, to assist them daily in releasing certain emotional expressions that are no longer needed.
My goal is not only to recognize and release trapped emotions & energies but to empower my clients by giving them the tools they need to sustain good emotional health which leads to good physical health. In this effort, I lean on my knowledge in various modalities such as HeartMath breathing techniques to bring a rapid return to inner peace; as well as neuroscience techniques to take charge of their thoughts, resultant emotions & behaviors. Additionally, I encourage my clients to consider a daily practice of meditation & even yoga to bring about a richer and more peaceful inner life.
How I Can Help You
- 150 US dollars